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ACHORDAmail bespoke email software, email integrations, email campaigns

Email list management can be a major headache for most organisations. Needing to ensure that you have opt-in permission to send client or member communications for GDPR compliance means that it is essential that lists are linked to your CRM.

ACHORDAmail adds email list management with integrated opt-in management to the ACHORDAcore solution with integrated Umbraco CMS.

The module allows you to define subscriptions that can be managed by the contacts themselves as well as your communications team. Lists can then be defined with additional criteria that can then integrate with email platforms such as MailChimp or Adestra.

Lists can include everyone who has opted into an individual subscription or they can have criteria added using fields from the CRM to restrict them. For example, you may have want a list of people who have opted into receiving promotions who are buyers within organisations in the retail industry.

Lists are created as one-offs or can be set to rebuild on a daily or weekly basis. Subscriptions and CRM data are then re-examined to refresh the list.

The lists are synchronised with your email marketing platform. We have integration modules for MailChimp and Adestra and can create other on demand if the platform supports integration.

Every organisation has its own challenges and opportunities so why not get in touch to see how Achordacould help you with yours?

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